- HEAD of SAINT / Director of BK21+
- leesj@skku.edu
- 031-299-4169
- http://ndtl.skku.edu/
2011 - present, Sungkyunkwan University Advanced Institute of Nano Technology
2003 - 2011, National University of Singapore, Electrical and Computer Engineering
2002 - 2003, Japan National Institute of AIST (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
1989 - 1998, Samsung Electro-mechanics R&D center
"HfO2-Based RRAM Devices With Varying Contact Sizes and Their Electrical Behavior", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 33, p. 1060 (2012)
"Effects of Plasma-PH3 Passivation on Mobility Degradation Mechanisms of Effects of Plasma-PH3 Passivation on Mobility Degradation Mechanisms of In0.53Ga0.47As nMOSFETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 59, p. 1377 (2012)
"Improved Vertical Silicon Nanowire Based Thermoelectric Power Generator With Polyimide Filling", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 33, p. 715 (2012)
"Top-Down Silicon Nanowire-Based Thermoelectric Generator: Design and Characterization", Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 41, p. 989 (2012)
"Highly-ordered vertical Si nanowire/nanowall decorated solar cells", Optics Express, vol. 19, p. 23078 (2011)
"Chip-Level Thermoelectric Power Generators based on High Density Silicon Nanowire Array Prepared with Top-down CMOS Technology", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 32, p. 674 (2011)
"Vertical Si-Nanowire n-type Tunneling FETs with Low Subthreshold Swing (< 50mV/decade) at Room Temperature", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 32, p. 437 (2011)
"Germanium Nanowire Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Fabricated by Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Compatible Process", IEEE Transactions on Electron evices, vol. 58, p. 74 (2011)
"Ge-photodetectors for Si-based Optoelectronic Integration" (Review Paper), Sensors, vol. 11, p. 696 (2011)