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  • Associate Professor Next-generation solar cells, Semiconductor devices
    Lab Next-Generation Electronics Laboratory
  • 2022 SKKU Fellowship

Research Interest

 Next-generation optoelectronic devices (solar cells, light emitting diodes, photodetectors) 
 Synthesis and Characterization of nanostructured organic/inorganic materials 
(metal halide perovskites, chalcogenides, polymers, carbon allotropes, metal oxides) 
 Doping, crystal growth and defect engineering of semiconducting materials 
 Optoelectronic device physics 
 Wearable devices and electronic skin based on flexible/stretchable devices 

- Doping, crystal growth and defect engineering of semiconducting materials 
- Optoelectronic device physics 
- Wearable devices and electronic skin based on flexible/stretchable devices 


  • 2011.3 – 2016.2 Ph.D. in Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
  • (Advisor: Prof. Nam-Gyu Park)
  • 2005.3 – 2011.2 B.S. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, SKKU


  • 2019.9 – present Assistant Professor, SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano Technology & Department of Nano Engineering, SKKU
  • 2016.9 – 2019.7 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • (Advisor: Prof. Yang Yang)
  • 2016.3 – 2016.8 Postdoctoral Researcher, SKKU

Journal Articles

  • (2024)  High Thermal Conductive Crystalline Organohalide for Endurable Resistive Switching Non-Volatile Memory.  ADVANCED MATERIALS.  online,  online
  • (2024)  LiF in Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells: Dipole or Doping?.  ACS ENERGY LETTERS.  9,  11
  • (2024)  Mechanically durable chiral-structured heterointerfaces.  JOULE.  8,  8
  • (2024)  Stabilization of Organic Cations in Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Using Phosphine Oxides Derivatives.  JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.  146,  32
  • (2024)  Dithiocarbamate-based Solution Processing for Cation Disorder Engineering in AgBiS2 Solar Absorber Thin Films.  ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS.  online,  online
  • (2024)  Exploiting an Interfacial Reaction in Perovskite Solar Cells: Quaternary Alkylammonium Ionic Salt Dopants for Spiro-OMeTAD.  ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS.  online,  2402144
  • (2024)  High-performance 110 kVp hard x-ray detector based on all-crystalline-surface passivated perovskite single crystals.  INFOMAT.  6,  8
  • (2024)  Controlled phase distribution of quasi-2D perovskite enables improved electroluminescence.  JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-ENERGY.  6,  3
  • (2024)  Artificial Synapse Based on a δ-FAPbI3/Atomic-Layer-Deposited SnO2 Bilayer Memristor.  NANO LETTERS.  24,  16
  • (2024)  Accelerated degradation of FAPbI3 perovskite by excess charge carriers and humidity.  SOLAR RRL.  online,  online
  • (2024)  Advancing perovskite solar cell commercialization: Bridging materials, vacuum deposition, and AI-assisted automation.  Next Materials.  3, 
  • (2024)  Effects of MgF2 anti-reflection coating on optical losses in metal halide perovskite solar cells.  NANOTECHNOLOGY.  35,  135401
  • (2024)  NiO as Hole Transporting Layer for Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells: A Study of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy.  ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES.  online,  online
  • (2023)  Atmospheric Humidity Underlies Irreproducibility of Formamidinium Lead Iodide Perovskites.  ADVANCED MATERIALS. 
  • (2023)  Enhancing Efficiency and Stability of Tin Halide Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes via Engineered Alkali/Multivalent Metal Salts.  ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES.  15,  49
  • (2023)  Moisturized 2-dimensional halide perovskite generates a power density of 30 mW cm-3.  ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE.  16,  12
  • (2023)  Opportunities and Challenges for Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Vacuum Thermal Evaporation.  ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES.  8,  20
  • (2023)  Energy science & technology at the Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).  MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY.  38,  1
  • (2023)  Rational Design of a Chemical Bath Deposition Based Tin Oxide Electron-Transport Layer for Perovskite Photovoltaics.  ADVANCED MATERIALS.  35,  45
  • (2023)  Light management in perovskite solar cells.  MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY.  37, 

Patent/Intellectual Property

  • 수분 및 광 안정성이 향상된 페로브스카이트 및 이를 이용한 태양전지.  10-2016-0011694.  20170306.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF