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Research Interest

Surface plasmons in nanostructures and Application to Plasmonics 
Ultrafast electronic processes in low dimensional semiconductor nanostructures 
2D Magnetic Materials: MPX3 
Optical and transport properties, hot-electron relaxation, many-body effects in graphene 
and related systems (nanoribbon, graphite)


  • (Ph.D.) University of Maryland at College Park

Journal Articles

  • (2024)  Convergence Analysis and Predictions for Optimizing Reciprocal Grids: A First-Principles and Machine Learning Study.  JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A.  129,  1
  • (2024)  Microsecond triplet emission from organic chromophore-transition metal dichalcogenide hybrids via through-space spin orbit proximity effect.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS.  15,  1
  • (2024)  Carrier type and density dependence of impact ionization characteristics in WSe<sub>2</sub>.  NANOSCALE.  16,  41
  • (2024)  Strain-graded quantum dots with spectrally pure, stable and polarized emission.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS.  15,  1
  • (2024)  Semi-Metal Edge Contact for Barrier-Free Carrier Transport in MoS2 Field Effect Transistors.  ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS.  6, 
  • (2024)  Anisotropic charge transport at the metallic edge contact of ReS<sub>2</sub> field effect transistors.  Communications Materials.  5,  1
  • (2024)  Probing Inherent Optical Anisotropy in Substrates via Direct Nanoimaging of Mie Scattering.  ACS NANO.  18,  19
  • (2024)  Effect of Charge Density Wave on the Electronic Transport in Graphene.  ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS.  6,  2
  • (2024)  Growth Control of InP/ZnSe Heterostructured Nanocrystals.  ADVANCED MATERIALS.  23,  1225
  • (2023)  Coherent heteroepitaxial growth of I-III-VI2 Ag(In,Ga)S2 colloidal nanocrystals with near-unity quantum yield for use in luminescent solar concentrators.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS.  14,  1
  • (2023)  Selective Mapping of Tip-Launched Near-Field Scattering of Surface Plasmon Polaritons for Retrieving Dispersion Relation in Silver Nanoflakes.  ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS.  6,  4
  • (2023)  Anisotropy of impact ionization in WSe2 field effect transistors.  NANO CONVERGENCE.  10,  1
  • (2022)  Impact of Morphological Inhomogeneity on Excitonic States in Highly Mismatched Alloy ZnSe1-XTeX Nanocrystals.  JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS.  13,  49
  • (2022)  Broad-Spectrum Photodetection with High Sensitivity Via Avalanche Multiplication in WSe2.  ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS.  10,  22
  • (2022)  Diffusive density response of electrons in anisotropic multiband systems.  PHYSICAL REVIEW B.  106,  12
  • (2022)  Direct patterning of colloidal quantum dots with adaptable dual-ligand surface.  NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY.  17,  9
  • (2022)  Metal–Insulator Transition Driven by Traps in 2D WSe2 Field-Effect Transistor.  ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS.  8,  9
  • (2022)  Quantum readout error mitigation via deep learning.  NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS.  24,  7
  • (2022)  Fermi Level Pinning Dependent 2D Semiconductor Devices: Challenges and Prospects.  ADVANCED MATERIALS.  34,  15
  • (2022)  A steep switching WSe2 impact ionization field-effect transistor.  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS.  13,  1

Conference Paper

  • (2019)  Ferromagnetism in two-dimensional materials.  IUMRS-ICEM 2018.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2019)  Quasiparticle interference and impurity resonances in type II Weyl semimetal WTe2.  ISPSA2018.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2019)  Transport in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene.  Graphene 2019.  ITALY
  • (2019)  Plasmon-pole approximation for many-body effects in graphene.  Graphene for US 2019.  UNITED STATES
  • (2017)  Electronic and magnetic properties of 2D transition-metal thiophosphates (MPX3).  Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) on 2D materials.  FRANCE
  • (2017)  Coupled plasmon modes in vertically stacked 2D nanomaterials.  Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems Interference Conference.  GERMANY
  • (2017)  Quasiparticle Interference and Fourier transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy in WTe2.  Workshop on Electron-electron interactions in topological materials.  SINGAPORE
  • (2017)  Quasiparticle Interference and Fourier transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy in twisted bilayer graphene and WTe2 (Weyl semimetals).  제4회 한국 그래핀 및 2차원소재 심포지엄.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2017)  Electronic and Transport properties of 2D Semiconductors.  제24회 한국반도체학술대회.  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2016)  Electron-phonon dispersion and superconductivity in monolayer 2H-NbSe2.  8th Recent Progress in Graphene-2D Research (RPGR 2016).  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2016)  Collective modes of twisted bilayer graphene.  8th Recent Progress in Graphene-2D Research (RPGR 2016).  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2016)  Magnetism in 2D CrPS3 and CrPS4.  8th Recent Progress in Graphene-2D Research (RPGR 2016).  KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  • (2016)  Electronic and magnetic properties of 2D transition-metal thiophosphates and tunability of magnetic order with carrier density.  Graphene Week 2016.  POLAND
  • (2016)  Ab initio study of magnetic single layer MPX3 metal-phosphorous-trichalcogenides.  APS March Meeting 2016.  UNITED STATES
  • (2016)  Mobility versus quality in two-dimensional semiconductor structures.  International Workshop on Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Hall Systems 6.  INDIA